Thursday, December 28, 2006

Kiss and Sell: Writing for Advertising.
BBC documentary "Space race"

Christmas topic

Scrooge: Dickens iin "A Christmas Carol" deer gardag tun haramch nohor

In defense of Scrooge

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

The Effect of Schooling and Ability onAchievement Test Scores by Hansen, Heckman.

Our model of test scores is based on an extension of the factor analysis model used in psychometrics(see e.g., Lord and Novick, 1968). Test score T (s) is a manifestation of latent ability f mediated byschooling:
T (s) = μ(s) + λ(s)f + ε(s)

Friday, December 22, 2006

Korean Judiciary: Extramarital Affair

Solongos bas hogjiltoi oron yumaa. Furin illegal aar barahgui criminal offence ch geh shig.
Barigdaad evguidvell shorond oroh ch bolomjtoi gne. Medeej onoliin l huvid bh ldaa, yag amidral deer shorond hiideggui biz dee (tegj naidya). Bas adihan Chon (Kim gesen tugeemel ovog bol dotroo bas huvaagddag bololtoi) ovogtoi bol gerlej bolohgui gne. Sonna. Tsus oirtono gej aidag yum bhdaa. Mongoloor bol barag l adilhan Borjigon ovogtoi bol hoorondoo suuj bolohgui gsen shig yum boloh ni. getel arabiin ornuud dandaa l cousin taigaa gerlej baih yum.

受験生の母と浮気した男に賠償命令  受験生の母と浮気をした男に、受験生に対し賠償せよという判決が下された。  ソウル西部地裁民事の堅種哲(キョン・ジョンチョル)判事は12日、チョン某氏(46)が妻の愛人パク某氏を相手取り「娘が浪人することになったのは、快楽のために受験生の母を誘惑した朴氏の不法行為のためであるため、5000万ウォン(631万円)を賠償せよ」として起こした訴訟で原告に勝訴判決を下した。  チョン氏の訴状によると、チョン氏の長女はパク氏が母の携帯電話に送ったメールを読んで母の浮気に気付き、修学能力試験を前に、母親と言い争いをすることが多くなった。特に長女は母とパク氏が会っていたモーテルにまで行き、ドアをたたいて抗議し、試験の後の2005年12月にはビアホールで母とパク氏の公開的な愛情表現も目撃した。  裁判部は被告が訴状を受け取ってから1カ月がたったにもかかわらず返答がなかったため、これを自白したものと見なし、「パク氏が妻を誘惑し、長女を浪人させ、次女も高校3年という受験の時期に勉強ができずにいる」という原告の訴状を認めた。 朝鮮日報/朝鮮日報JNS

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Mankiw and Prescott

In his blog, Mankiw says:

In today's Wall Street Journal, economist Ed
(subscription required) writes about five macroeconomic myths.
passage left me scratching my head:

Myth No. 5: Government debt is a burden
on our grandchildren.
There's no
better way to get people worked up about
something than
call on their
sympathies for their beloved grandkids. The last
that I want to do is
to burden my own grandchildren with the
sins of
profligacy. But we should
stop feeling guilty -- at least about
government debt
-- because we are in
better shape than conventional
wisdom suggests.
and practice tell
us that the optimal
of public debt that maximizes the
welfare of new
of entrants
into the workforce is two times gross
or GDP. This
assumes 1% population growth, 2% productivity
4% real after-tax
return on investments, and that people work to age 63
live to age
85. Currently, privately held public debt is about
0.3 times
GDP, and if we
include our Social Security obligations, it is
1.6 times GDP.
case, we could argue that we have too
little debt.
going on
here? There are not enough productive
assets -- tangible and
alike -- to meet the
investment needs of our forthcoming
retirees. The problem
is that the
rate of return on investment --
more productive assets --
decreases as the stock of these
assets increases.
An excessive stock
of these
productive assets leads to
Total savings by
everyone is
equal to the sum of
productive assets and
debt, and if there is an
imbalance in
this equation it does not mean we have too little or too many
productive assets. The fix comes from
getting the proper amount of government
debt. When people did not enjoy long retirements and population growth was rapid, the optimal amount of government debt was zero. However, the world has changed, and we in fact require some government debt if we care about our grandchildren and their grandchildren. If we should worry about our grandchildren, we shouldn't about the amount of debt we are leaving them. We may even have to increase that debt a bit to ensure that we are adequately prepared
for our own retirements.

Usually, even when I disagree with a fellow economist, I
can understand his point of view. But I am puzzled about this passage. Ed must have some model in mind, but I am not sure what it is. To some degree, it sounds like Ed is worried that the U.S. economy might accumulate more capital than what Ned Phelps called the "Golden Rule" level. As I discuss in my intermediate macroeconomics textbook, Phelps used a Solow growth model to show that an economy can potentially save beyond the point that maximizes steady-state consumption. Peter Diamond subsequently showed that such excessive saving can arise even when overlapping generations of consumers make individually optimal saving decisions. This situation is sometimes called "dynamic inefficiency." When an economy is dynamically inefficient, government debt can have the virtue of depressing the capital stock toward its optimal level.

Ochigdor Wall St Journal iig unshaad, Prescott iin ene hesgiig sain oilgoogui. Mankiw iin tailbariig unshaad l Prescott "dynamic inefficiency" iig heleh gsen yum bolovu gj oilgoloo. Harin busad 4 myth iig bol ihenh ediin zasagch sanal negdeh bh.

Monday, December 11, 2006

Quote of the dayi

"At a time like this, Father, one tries not to make new enemies."
by Machiavelli (after thrice refusing the entreaties of a priest to repent his sins and renounce Satan)

One cannot help but admire Machiavelli!!!